Here is the second post of my
special blog series “Inspire Your Soul” and I am extremely glad to share the marvellous
lessons learnt by “Malcolm Larri”, Founder of
The live talk show was organised
by in the last quarter of 2017 with the agenda: “Steps to achieve
your goals”.
[PS: Malcolm Larri is Master Practitioner of
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Certified Workplace Trainer, Speaker &
Coach. He also has been a professional musician, business owner and has worked
inside companies both large and small on three continents.]
With Malcolm Larri :) |
The event began with a zest of energy. As
Malcolm started introducing himself, the atmosphere grasped his vibrant
vibrations of positive energy! The first thing that caught our attention was
his Drum kit – this surged our curiosity levels even more! :)
Malcolm had some interesting charts to display (no, not on Power-Point but hand-made drawings that looked absolutely appealing).
He started presenting the steps with a
beautiful analogy of ‘playing the drums’!
Step 1: Data
It was a visual treat to watch Malcolm play
the Drums.Our ears danced to the tunes of the energetic beats...
Right Left Right Right...
Left Right Left Left...
Right Left Right Right...
Left Right Left Left...
As Malcolm’s hands weaved this musical
pattern, he made us do the same by tapping our hands and feet...Oh it was fun!
:)In this way, Malcolm created a basic rhythm and a memorable pattern.
Key Lesson
1: Use the available data, add a simple
consistent pattern to it and your beginning platform is ready.
Here, the “drum kit” refers to the data.
Step 2: Information
rhythmic pulse of the drum beats was graced by momentum. The moment Malcolm introduced
the detailsof high notes to leverage the velocity, the monotonous tone got a
catchy flavour. This shaped up the structure of the drum beats. The new beats seemed
to resonate the perfect pitch.
Lesson 2: It is essential to transform your data into
information that is interesting and useful to your audience.
Here, the “momentum” refers to the
Step 3: Knowledge
The fast-paced drum beats got accessorised by an entirely new
pitch. Malcolm extended his right hand to hit the disc (part of the drum
kit)with his drum stick once in between the on-going rhythm of the drums. He
kept playing this for few minutes. This fusion of diverse sounds made us all
hooked to the new beats.
“Knowledge is Power”. So cliched but so true!
Key Lesson 3: You can add ‘n’
number of desirable elements to your process of workflow but what truly makes
your work strikingly amazing is your ability to stay focussed on the basic
rhythm with which you started. Interestingly, repeating the pattern with new
elements becomes your Knowledge base. And… “Knowledge” is the base of
Here, “hitting a new element, i.e. Disc”
refers to building the “Knowledge”.
Step 4: Wisdom
At this step,what we experienced was a pure acoustic delight… With
new beats and fresh notes, Malcolm’s creative energies had transcended to the
zenith of musical retreat. After the demonstration, Malcolm said, “Wisdom is an
artist's creativity”.
Key Lesson 4: Data,
information and knowledge altogether may be useful but they will always lack
the element of “Charm” and “Elegance” without “Imagination”and “Innovation”.
The key to sprout up “Wisdom” in work is to incorporate new ideas, experiment
new stuff, and create a unique blend of your work. This is how you unlock your creativity!
Here, “adding the fresh notes to the drum-kit and creating new
music” refers to “Wisdom”.
After these 4 steps and key lessons, Malcolm further shared gems
of intellect…
I. Dedicate
100 hours of what is possible in the following pattern
Bring into focus and identify what is really essential in this
phase of your life- what is it that if you do not do will bring in regret
Remember this rule - just focus on 1 goal at a time!
Be tight focused; you must not consider more than 2 goals at a
time, simply because it is not feasible! Make a tight list of things that seems
good enough to be achieved in a week’s time.
not rush, achieve goals with mastery! At times, people meet failure just because
they over-estimate their goals by being over-confident!
Don't let your goal wander more than 1year!
Create an urgency for pursuing the goal upon which you had set
focus. It is good to break down your goal into small steps. Make an urgent plan
to follow these steps.
a time each day when you will strictly do your act on priority basis!
Make “Accountability” buddies – the ones who share your purpose.
It is good to have someone around who holds you
accountable and keeps a check on your accomplishments. Similarly, you can
support them too! :)
For instance, if and your friend are learning Swedish, have a
quick interaction to keep a check that your buddy achieved their daily goals as
we become accountable to each other, achieving goals become much easier!
II. Plan
your first difficult moment with the following rules
“Energy” is everything in the world!
Our mental and physical energies are the source of all our
manifestations in life! A weak mind and a corrupted body can never be capacitive
for positive energies and motivation!
Therefore, it is essential to feed the mind with pleasant and
progressive thoughts; feed the body with healthy food, good sleep. The art of living
a beautiful life is creating a healthy routine each single day.
When your mind and body dance with exuberant energies, the marvel
called “Motivation” is born!
A dose of motivation is what boosts you up to perform an
“Action”. When your action is derived not out of compulsive pressure but purely
out of motivation, it is natural to fall in love with your work. Whatever you
do with a motivated attitude gives you pleasure. This joyful attitude makes you
act more and devise more meaningful ways of achieving yourgoals.
Magic begins to appear when “Action” gets in “active” mode.
A continuous series of actions forms deep understanding of the
subject and firms your belief in your work. The more you act, the more you
become adept in honing your skills! With brilliance of skills, comes the mighty
power of trusting your capabilities, and that’s how the wonder called
“Confidence” is born!
Confidence is one wonder-drug to cure most issues in life! When
you keep moving forward towards your goals with confidence, all the difficult
paths get smoothened out. The moment “Confidence” enters your psychology, you
get access to the key to all doors ofabundance.It is this abundance that brings
innumber of opportunities, and that’s what you’ve been waiting for! :)
III. Identify
the Force of Multiplier
Identify one change that will elevate other changes in your life.
For instance, to initiate setting up business in Sweden or take it to another
level, it is highly favourable to learn Swedish!
Therefore, “Learning Swedish” acts as the force of multiplier,
as it has the potential to bring the change desired by you.
The power-boosting lessons got filled up with some more wise
bites in the Q-A session between Moritz and Malcolm:
Q1. You connected everything so efficiently. How would you put
together all the components of doing all important things in a day?
A.It’s simple, just pick 1or 2goals to be completed for ‘Today’.
Remember, Life is short… time is passing by…Use “TIME” very wisely! Be
totally dedicated towards what you choose to do!
Q2. What do you mean by ‘Mindful Focus’?
A. Mindful Focus is an activity that stimulates ‘Reticular Activating
System’ (a system at the back of our brain which is responsible for our
overall consciousness). When you practice mindful focus, you generate the ‘Power
of Attention’. And that’s what everyone is looking for!
A person who has learnt how to access power of paying attention
can handle any negative emotion such as ‘doubt’, ‘fear’, ‘anxiety’, etc. With
regular practice, the person can gains mastery in managing his/her own emotions.
The realisation comes from within to achieve a balanced state of mind!
When you are balanced, you experience peace, with that peace,
comes eternal joy… Remember, “Balance is the Mantra”!
Q3. How do you know when it is time to stop focussing on one goal,
and start with something else?
A. You get signals from Universe and people. Also, it is
important to listen to your feelings. Your feelings will tell you - to stop or continue!
‘Goals’ are just ‘Goals’! There is nothing like ‘realistic’ or
‘unrealistic’ goals! There is nothing that is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’! It is all
about investing the right amount of time with right amount of energy.
Willingness and patience can take you a long way! And above all, the most important
thing is to TRY, TRY and TRY, and ‘JUST Do It’!
Feedback is a great way to know whether your work is really
making rounds of ripples! If not, alter your way of working. Be open to
everything that makes your tasksworkable.
Q4. How to handle fear?
A. Always ask your mind: “What can be the worst-case scenario if I do this?”
Just stick to your values with patience and faith. Remember, when you goals are value oriented, you surely taste success!
Q5. What's your take on "sub-conscious sabotage"?
A. Don't buy in any story that your inner critic is trying to
sell you!Listen to your inner dialogue- observe it as a story. Don't engage in
the conversation, separate yourself from the words for a while, and just
observe everything as a spectator!
This is how you can analyse the truth and get a bigger picture
of your scenario. This is how you can escape from self-sabotaging!
In NLP therapy, there's a study of how language impacts your
personality and emotions. It’s amazing to observe that words play a highly
significant role in training your brain. So always speak good for yourself and
that for others. It is necessary to crack down the unpleasant thoughts and
enter the zone of trust.
Q6. What is the difference between ‘Inspiration’ and
A. Inspiration happens in a moment, that is, in this moment,
right now, in the present moment, you suddenly get inspired to do a thing! That is the
moment of creativity, that one moment, when you lose track of time or place, you
are just hit by the ‘inspiration’ bug and you actually are ready to take action
right there in that moment.
It is that moment when your passion is ignited at its peak! Inspiration happens instantly. It is more
related to creativity, For instance, you wish to write poetry in the middle of
the night!
Inspiration can surge up in a moment, but may drop down soon in further moments!
So, in that moment, when you are on, if you get going, then
voila, you did it!
Motivation on the other hand, is a constant affair!
When you are motivated, you ideally introspect everything, plan things out and get going! In Motivation, the momentum hits you before but
you take action later. It gives you an urge to achieve your goals.
(PS: This question was asked by me! :) And I was truly happy and enlightened with Malcolm's response!)
So, when you truly need to motivate you energies, book your personal sessions with Malcolm, he is just a phone call away! :)
* Author of this post reserves rights for the compiled content being an original concept. Be mindful to give credit for using this blog post or photographs elsewhere! Please do not copy without permission. ©Jyotika Rajput Mehra
* The author reserves all rights for the images depicted in the blog post.
* This post is purely based on the
author’s knowledge gained at the talk show "Steps To Achieve Your
Goals" by Malcolm Larri" held at Wolkify in the last quarter of
2017 in Stockholm. The content may contain some added information as
interpreted by the author. The purpose of this post is to inspire and motivate
the readers, share the insightful steps of achieving goals in life; let
everybody know about and
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